sKyfLyPiE dRoPPin iN!

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January 13, 2023 – January 20, 2023





aDveNTuRe9LabS iS zE gUyS.. wE dROpPiNG a sEt oF nFt sEriEs fOr yA'LL tO hAvE fuN!

sKyfLyPiE iS zE aRtfUL sEriEs feAts oF rAnDoM dEGeN sKuLL nuB hEaDs dAwgiEs!

itS aLL aBouT fuN & jOy foR zE cOMmUniTy, wE eMbArk tiS jOuRnEy waNtiN to giVeaWay sKyDiVing tanDem passEs anD tO seT uP aDvenTuRe gAthEriNgS... wiTh sOme bARbeQuEs.. sKydiViNg.. dRiFtin' CarS aND jUSt to rOck em! sO tHiS fiRst pRojEct iS tO sEe zE cRowD anD bRiLLiANCe oF zE nFt cOmMuniTy aNd fuRtheR foRwaRd to hOSt suCh eVents oF fuNky GatHEriNgs fO ya'LL nOt tO juSt bE stUck iN zE sCReEn aND aNd gO fOr suCh fuN aDVenTurEs & gaThEriNGs ouT thEre nERDS! sO staY tuNeD, jOin uS, LeT'S dO tiS toGethEr & hAve fuN daWgiES!

 tOtaL aMouNt tO bE miNteD + 8,888
 miNtiNg pRiCe fOr zE puBLiC + 0.02 eTh
 sKyLiSt wHiTeLiST oN tWiTTer + fReEmiNt!

 MinT iT tO gEt iNViTeD tO eVenTs & aDvenTuREs !

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