Nativepunks World Cup is comming

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September 27, 2022 – October 04, 2022





Minting Now!! Get a rare NativePunk with Worldcup trophy
You can mint at 0.004 ETH now.

NativePunks love fashion, travel, music and NFTs, but most importantly they love their country and embrace other cultures. 

7,777 collections from 52 countries launched on the Ethereum blockchain

NativePunks represent Global Travel & Crypto Culture. A Native Collection of NFTs about to be birthed on Ethereum blockchain. A true representation of the crypto nations around the world through unique attributes and traits. No Discord, No Roadmap. A collection exclusively for NFTs. Treksters love fashion, travel, music and NFTs, but most importantly they love their country and embrace other cultures. 

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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