Metaverse Plates Club - 2nd PHASE

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
July 22, 2022 – July 29, 2022





A portal between real life and metaverse

As a web3 brand, metaverse plates club exists to connect motor brands with the metaverse. Building a unique marketplace is key to rise cars to the next level

An immersive and interactive experience

Thanks to the development of the next gen garage as the meta garage, our champions and users will be given an experience never seen before in the sector

Building the metautility

Integration and usefulness of nfts into the virtual world are vital for our project. A race started and somebody has to take the lead

Metaverse interoperability

The future in the metaverse is too big to just stay in one. We are living the birth of a new era, borders do not exist and this inspires us to continue our expansion

Don't miss the next NFT drops

See Also