/ Creators / Bitlectro Labs

Bitlectro Labs

Bitlectro Labs is a browser-based marketplace that offers three-dimensional NFTs using audio and visual effects. This team is led by Keil Corcoran, the lead designer. He is supported by Gabriel Allred, head of operations, while developers include Joshua Behrens and Brett Thompson. Bitlectro Labs’ first project in NFTs was titled “Dreamloops.” It featured programmatically generated 8-bit musical loops with 16-bit artworks as album covers. The STRFKR band made all the sounds in the musical loops. When making the covers, Keil Corcoran, the album cover designer, drew inspiration from classic gaming platforms Amiga, PC98, and Super Nintendo. Owners in the Dreamloops project received Creative Commons license for their musical loop. As a result, they could use their NFTs in whichever way they deemed fit. More Bitlectro Labs projects hope to include more artists and musicians. As a result, the team will have a comprehensive catalogue that allows fans to transact directly with the artists they love.

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