Women Rise

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November 25, 2021 – November 25, 2021





Women Rise is a collection of 10,000 randomly generated and unique NFT art pieces created by the internationally acclaimed visual artist Maliha Abidi. The collection represents women from around the world and the traits go beyond the diversity of just skin colors.

Women activists, artists, scientists, coders, and many others rising to make the world a better place! The women are based on more than 453 hand-drawn traits! Here at Women Rise, we believe in proper diversity, representation, and of course aesthetically pleasing artwork that celebrates global women. Our mission is to build a community of like-minded people through this project, to give back to the community, and to invite more women into the space. Also, to contribute to the representation of women in tech, in blockchain, and in the NFT space so the current and the future girls and women in this space can see themselves be represented here.

Our commitment to the community goes beyond the NFT world which is why another essential goal of Women Rise is to contribute to the gender equality causes in the real world which is why 7.5% of the proceeds will go to global organizations that are fighting for girl’s education especially in the most marginalized communities, women’s rights, violence against women, and gender equity.

We are one of the first projects incorporating sustainable development goals set by the United Nations and Global Goals organizations.

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