The Garden by Christopher DeLorenzo

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October 27, 2022 – November 03, 2022





The Garden is a digital and physical bouquet of floral and digital portraits created by renowned graphic artist Christopher DeLorenzo. 

Ninety-nine unique pieces, released in three arrangements of sale.  The first arrangement will be auctioned and is a Fount Gallery Card exclusive, going live on October 27, 2022.

The auction will be held on the website: Once the auction is settled, secondary sales will take place on Opensea. 

Hand crafted by Christopher, the digital portraits are one-of-a-kind and exist as tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.  For each arrangement, Chris will design and created a limited edition physical print, not included in the digital collection. When an arrangement sells out, holders can choose to claim and collect a physical artwork, signed by the artist. 

A quote from the Artist:

“The Garden grew from over two years of creative exploration and experiments in blending the worlds inside our homes and the natural world outside our doors. To me, arranging marks and lines on a page is a lot like a florist arranging a bouquet; finding the balance between color and shape, the soft edges of the petals and the hard stems, and understanding the point of it all is to connect us to the beauty of the world that we often overlook. You might find yourself in The Garden, or you may find an arrangement that reminds you of a friend or that thing you love, maybe you’re like me and just gravitate towards a certain blend of colors and lines. However you walk through The Garden, thank you for stopping and noticing the flowers.”

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