The FeMale Expression of the Soul opens up to the colourful power of our emotions. Are they similar for male en female gender? This art project is meant to start up discussions about similarities between female en male emotions.
"There is no such thing as gender related specific emotions" is stated by Mr. Danscott in this project. Unity ask you to look closer, just like an expression of our soul.
The distinctiveness of Mr. Danscott's NFT launch has extra benefits for the collector. Next to its extraordinary picture, each NFT also has its own distnguishing colormix. There is onlt one of them used per piece.
A second benefit gives the investor teh opportunity to collect more parts, after part II and III are launched. This way, someone can become the official owner of the three window version "The FeMale expression of the Soul" in its very exceptional coloring.
The first nine NFT's are dropped in a series of nin, each 1/1, and will be updated with a maximum of thirty pieces per part. Once the full project has seen the digital world, a sheer amount of ninety NFTS will be available.
So all together in mixed range, there are nine hundred possibilities to form an exquisite three window image to your own preference. As future owner of this three window NFT collection, you will have the opportunity to retain your own exclusice colored collection of "The FeMale Expression of the Soul" in hand painted pieces.