The Elementals

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September 13, 2022 – September 20, 2022


Magic Eden



The Elementals is made up of 999 sentient beings pieced together with unique and individual traits. The goal of the project is to build profitable businesses that accelerate the Solana ecosystem and benefit holders.

Here at The Elementals we believe in privacy and taking control of your own finances and data, your money, your business. We want to be the ones to help the masses achieve financial privacy through our platform “The Portal”. Through The Portal you will be able to achieve complete privacy and anonymity when spending and using cryptocurrency online.

We also believe in projects building businesses that generate revenue for our holders while also helping to grow the ecosystem as a whole. We will accomplish this through our online casino “Prime Bet”. 

Prime Bet will be a casino built on a scale like Solana has never seen before, with the classic games such as crash & coin flip but also offering games such as slots, blackjack and more. Through Prime Bet we will be able to onboard more users into the space while generating profit to grow the project and reward holders.

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