Janin Nft

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
September 10, 2022 – September 17, 2022


Magic Eden



A public collection of 2540 Ninjas that have been training HARD in the SOLANA dojos for more than 6 months!

Our project aims to give you a cute armed ninja PFP and utility based in big collabs, staking, raffles, utility token and more!

Also, once all ninjas are minted, 10% Sales will go to Charity and holders will decide which organisation will be!

Social Media:



Our Dojo Masterplan is:

Step 1: Setting the dojo.

Step 2: Bringing our students, collaborating with other dojos and cities.

Step 3: Ninja workout (Mint)

Step 4: Staking, raffling and Raid2Earn.

Step 5: Nighttime... you will know more in the appropiate time

Don't sleep, Ninjas don't sleep, Ninjas are always alert and ready to GO!

Don't miss the next NFT drops

See Also