In this unique collaboration, legendary comic book artist José Delbo teams up with his daughter, fine artist Silvana Delbo, to bring you a fresh take on his 3 classic characters. While Jose brings them to life with his beautiful line work pencil drawing, Silvana infuses them with life with her bold and unique pop-art style.
Jose has been a prominent figure in the comic industry for over 50 years, illustrating for top publishers like Marvel and DC Comics, and is considered one of the pioneers of comic artists in the NFT space. Silvana, who has been a professional artist for over 20 years, has recently been exploring the world of digital art and NFTs converting her painterly style to the digital form.
In this Collectors’ Reward Drop, previous MakersPlace collectors of José and Silvana Delbo’s work will be rewarded with the access to purchase editions of this fabulous collaborative work between father and daughter at an amazing price.