Teyla Postautomata 0.09 - Async Music Blueprint

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July 15, 2022 – July 22, 2022


Async Art



Music Blueprint

Teyla Postautomata 0.09 - Is a self explanatory story based outstanding digital image and music compositon with machinery and robotic glitch audio and sonic elements covering the full frequency range, from lowly sub booms and kicks. Enjoy exploring the futuristic and stimulating sounds of the great unknown by Grey Tekin.

What is an Music Blueprints NFT?

Blueprints are collections generated from a single source. Only a limited number of Editions — each of them provably random and unique — can be minted from any Blueprint. Music Blueprints are specifically created by Musicians and always include an audio element. Music Blueprints still include a unique visual paired alongside their audio! Source by async.art.

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