T7nfts $7

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
February 22, 2022 – March 01, 2022





Track seven | perspectives

Pre-sale now!

Track seven net coming soon..

With the t7 net app, nft holders will gain access to register as a t7 creator and combine nfts to build unreleased music from different perspectives.

* each pre-released nft will be frozen with an access key to register your account with the t7network upon application release (tbd)

* nft access key is unique for each nft and must be held within the wallet to authorize the t7 registration before trading the nft.

* nft ownership is solely within the contents of the nfts and not the specific content the nft gives the holder access to.

* transferring a nft also transfers ownership to the wallet receiving it

* transferring a nft does not transfer the t7 account ownership

* t7 accounts have lifetime access to the content of every nft own, even after trading them

^subject to transparently change as needed while t7 net goes through its development stage.

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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