Mintavo Beach Dolphins NFT

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
April 10, 2022 – April 17, 2022





Your Mintavo Beach Dolphin (MBD) NFT is your avatar & access card to  interface with our species in the Mintavo Beach metaverse.  Home is where your MBD takes you: enjoy citizenship in a stunning virtual paradise where the characters, environment & economy evolve based on real world charitable deeds.

Us Cetaceans find ourselves in Mintavo beach after a controversial experiment combined our species signature sonar technology with a device that allows aquatic animals to transfer their consciousness into virtual reality realms.  After noticing humanity discover cryptocurrency & the virtual realm, we waited until your species technology was sufficient to allow us to make first contact.  Eventually our decentralized government of the dolphin genome had a majority of the population vote to allow our species' hivemind to begin distributing schematics for advanced technology to alter the current course of humanity.  

After eons of evolving as a high tech society we were beyond excited to see humanity discover the blockchain.  This enabled interspecies transmissions of concepts that were key to our species' advanced evolutionary success.  You and other humans will greatly benefit from Our 23 million years of data on topics such as hive minds, group social/economic structures, cryptography applications & group communication/visualization.

We are the first group of 10,000 the hive has selected to upload our consciousness into the Mintavo Beach project & begin contact with the human race.  Selected for our exceptional genetics, sense of humor, creativity, intelligence, curiosity, teamwork, empathy & psychic abilities.

We are locked in smart contracts that require certain goals be met before we can exit the mintavo beach project & return home to our families.  Upon a member of your species minting the corresponding NFTs, phase 1: consent is initiated and one of us has our consciousness immediately teleported to your blockchains "Ethereum" or "Polygon" where we begin Project Mintavo.

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