La Llama PIC NFT 10100 pieces of ART

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July 13, 2022 – July 20, 2022





A club that cancels cancel culture

The llamas by agulla & baccetti are already in the metaverse, working to restore that fundamental spirit of sarcasm that defines the llama p.I.C.

And the politically incorrect club is here to join you and all owners of the llama nfts in leading a 3.0 movement that is artistic, digital, countercultural, irreverent and comical: a source of entertainment in the near future. Because it’s about refusing to conform. It’s about rebelling. Because laughing is good for us and because the problem often isn’t the joke: it’s the people who get offended too easily.

Because with each nft you buy, besides enjoying its exclusive roadmap, you’ll be telling the world that you believe a sense of humor is a sign of intelligence and an open mind. By buying a llama p.I.C., you’ll be showing those lovers of the politically correct just how seductive humor can be.

That way, we’ll form a counter-culture club to break down the walls that are dividing us into tribes. So it’s not just about art and money. It’s about the communities that are forming around every nft. People who are active, willing to lend a hand, empathic: a community of people who feel like they belong to something that enriches them not just economically but spiritually. Life is beautiful and young. There is goodness in these groups. Just the opposite of the violence waged by the politically correct. Luckily, the llama p.I.C. Is here to save us.

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