Haikuz-1.0 by A.A.I

Drop's mint website was verified by its submitter in our Discord community
October 10, 2021 – October 17, 2021





Haiku poems generated with artificial ape intelligence feeding on an odd mixture of financial pop culture and crypto news articles as well as philosophical text and mystical poetry. Layered with unique combinations of symbolic properties. This results in mysteriously intriguing collectibles designed to be used as Puzzle pieces and building blocks for the most elusive quest of the digital jungle.

Collection total for Haikuz-1.0 is 610 divided in 3 consecutive weekly drops with increasing attributes and increasing price 377/610 of those collectibles are selected to be used in the next collection (Haikuz-2.0). The owners of those selected 377 collectibles will be granted exclusive access to buy/mint a digital painting generated with AI based on the haiku poem in their corresponding NFT.

Every collection from AAI conceals secret utilities in relation to the upcoming releases and events. As this society of machine art makers grows in numbers of associates, accessibility will increase but priority privileges are reserved to a selected few holders of early Haikuz.

Check out our website for more details https://artificialapeintelligence.com/

-by AAI, yantakara kala

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