Gratis stonwall society

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June 26, 2022 – July 03, 2022





Remember Stonewall. Remember that the first pride was a riot. GSS is a community-focused DeFi society that is bringing inclusion and freedom of choice and advocacy through decentralization and blockchain technology to the queer community. With a focus of celebrating LGBT community freedom, the society presents a collection of 4,998 unique stonewaller artworks which will include rare works showcasing our hereos such as Marsha p Johnson, Bob Kohler, Sylvia Rivera, Bob Mellors, Aubrey Walter, Peter Tatchell, Maurice Flood, Stormé DeLarverie and Griffin-Gracy.

The Gratis Stonewall Society celebrates and portrays the legends that set path for the LGBTQ community and made Gay Rights possible. GSS NFT is inspired by the Stonewall Riots that occurred in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village neighbourhood of Lower Manhattan in New York City. It was a series of spontaneous demonstrations by members of the LGBTQ community in response to a police raid. Patrons of the Stonewall, other Village lesbian and gay bars, and neighbourhood street people fought back when the police became violent. The riots are widely considered* the watershed event* that transformed the gay liberation movement and the twentieth-century fight for LGBTQ rights in the world.

So come join your fellow stonewallers!

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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