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January 21, 2022 – January 28, 2022





What are EBirds?

EBirds, standing for Emotional Birds, are 160 handmade and randomized NFTs. Each design is unique and possesses attributes that you cannot find in any other Portrait. Each of the incrementing zoom states of the EBird Exclusives are designed independent of each other so that there are no two states alike. Read below to find out the different types and designs in the collection.

How did the collection get started and what is the goal?

I wanted to bring together a collection that showcased limited edition designs of a bird that inspired me when taking a stroll through my neighborhood. While walking there was a red-shouldered hawk in the distance, I took a picture and then recognized the bird staring directly back at the camera. A second picture was then taken, a truly unique moment where humanity came face to face with nature and suddenly in that moment you’re content with life.

The hawk is a symbol for guardianship, specifically guardianship to one’s own life and the ability to adapt to new and changing circumstances. This is a particularly powerful symbol when you look at how Mental Health is at an all time societal high with loneliness and depression plaguing humanity. I too struggle with depression and this is why I wanted to bring this symbol of the Hawk’s guardianship and adaptability to others so that they might feel content with the world too even for just a moment.

In my experience, sometimes all I need is to see a small sign. This can shift the entire emotional tune of my day. The fate of seeing the sign in nature brings a sense of belonging with the rest of the world making it seem impossible to feel lonely for that one moment. The Emotional Birds was started to attempt to bring this experience of seeing signs, nature and symbolism to the NFT community in order to inspire, promote happiness and advocate for mental health.

What are the different properties of the EBird?

“Type” Property:

Portrait — This is a short animated GIF displaying the close up art pieces of the bird looking and not looking at the audience. This “Type” makes up 69% of the total EBirds.

Exclusive — This is a long animated GIF displaying the uniquely designed magnification states of the bird looking and not looking. These states are placed on a loop and follow in order to produce a zoom and/or looking effect at the audience depending on the Reaction Speed Property. This “Type” makes up 27% of the total EBirds.

Feature — This is an image displaying the bird not looking at a magnified state. This “Type” makes up only 4% of the total EBirds. The only designs being displayed on the Feature are the unique “Special Trait” states of the EBird. This is discussed further in the article.

“Reaction Speed” Property:

ALL SPEEDS — The property denotes the animation looking speed of the GIF. However, the Exclusive Type GIF is different for each Reaction Speed.

961 — The Exclusive is an animated GIF looping of the bird looking away zooming in, then looking at the audience and back while fully magnified to then zoom out while staring at the audience.

980 — The Exclusive is simply an animated GIF looping of the bird being zoomed in and out of while it is not looking at the audience.

999 — This Exclusive is a looped full-detail animated GIF showcasing all the different designed magnified and looking states of the EBird.

“Style” Property:

Painted — 73% of the EBirds

Graphics — 18% of the EBirds

Drawn — 16% of the EBirds

Abstract — 24% of the EBirds

Mosaic — 7% of the EBirds

Hybrid — 14% of the EBirds

Painted-Abstract — 21% of the EBirds

Graphics-Abstract — 4% of the EBirds

“Special Trait” Property:

Lucky —This trait is specific to only certain designs at random. There is no specific design feature that denotes if the EBird is given the Lucky Trait. 26% of the EBirds have this trait.

Hotflash —This trait is accompanied with a design that is showcased on the Feature EBird #013 along with other EBirds that possess this trait. The design is passed through the animation to denote the NFTs with this trait. 18% of the EBirds have this trait.

Twin — There are four sets of twins in the Emotional Birds Collection. That doesn’t mean there is only 8 different EBirds, some of those that have the twin trait also have other special traits requiring there to be more made. 14% of the EBirds have this trait.

Cryptic —This trait is accompanied with a design that is showcased on the Feature EBird #007 along with other EBirds that possess this trait. The design is passed through the animation to denote the NFTs with this trait. 11% of the EBirds have this trait.

Ghost —This trait is accompanied with a design that is showcased on the Feature EBird #000 along with other EBirds that possess this trait. The design is passed through the animation to denote the NFTs with this trait. 5% of the EBirds have this trait.

Van Gogh —This trait is accompanied with designs that are showcased on the Feature EBird #011, #022, and #033 along with other EBirds that possess this trait. The design is passed through the animation to denote the NFTs with this trait. Since there are three different designs for the Van Gogh, a special property is created when the EBird has this trait. 8% of the EBirds have this trait.

“Van Gogh Version” Property:

V1 —3% of the EBirds.

V2–2% of the EBirds.

V3 —3% of the EBirds.

What are the benefits of buying an EBird?

  1. There are only 160 different EBirds making it a competitive market to get one with a probable chance the price will go up over time.
  2. Donate to Rethink Mental Health Incorporated that focuses on reducing the “stigma” associated with mental health issues while providing resources to get individuals treatment that is right for them. These organizations was picked due to how common mental health issues are becoming due to the recent virtual work trend and the COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. Once we gain enough capital from selling at least 12 EBirds, we will provide FREE software consulting services indefinitely for holders of the EBird. The only requirement needing to be met is the NFT holder must have either a registered company, a written business plan/white-paper, or a website detailing their projected or ongoing business/personal activity. We will launch this through our website for token holders to go sign up and reserve slots for free consulting work!
  4. Join an invite only community.

Why are the EBirds important?

The Emotional Birds Collection NFTs, simply put, are mean’t to bring joy, inspiration and contentment to individuals even if it is for just a moment. Something that helps for a moment just has to help the next moment in order to start to become permanent. This is how we grow in life, one step at a time.

On top of the symbolism and aesthetic appeal, holders will be making a real-life impact in the mental health community with 9.3% of profits going to The Jed Foundation. For individuals who want to bring their own idea to fruition, the free software consulting will give EBird holders a platform to grow, experience, and cultivate inspiration while they make their dreams become reality.

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