Dom's Zone

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August 13, 2022 – August 20, 2022



Dom's no-nonsense mission is to save the world from delamination.

With key strengths including composure, determination and vision, dom's arsenal of optimism and meditation is supported by other weaponry including a samurai sword, red megaphone and rope.

Dom has a day job in construction traffic management, prefers to wear undies, singlets, sandles and enjoys exercise, music and chilling.

Dom loves tashi dog and dommy bear, hates psychobabble + haggis, and has a weakness for cans of code and being silly.

Join the hunt to find the golden gif, blue gif and the  camo gif, hidden in a bunch of 10k unique dom nft's and be part of dom's journey to save the world!

In return, dom promises nothing....

Don't miss the next NFT drops

See Also