Cyber Chump

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
January 28, 2022 – February 04, 2022





Now, more then ever, we need to look out for others and make sure that during difficult times, we are there for each other. Because of this, we want to give back to our community. We aim to give 25% back to our community towards Rode Neuzen Dag, a charity organization focused on helping children and teens who suffer mental issues, who are currently also focussing on training teachers on identifying teens suffering from mental issues.

For this good cause, one specially created NFT was minted in order to identify with this good cause. Only one Cyber Chump has a red nose with a red scarf and is standing on a red base. This makes it extremely rare.

Im still busy with minting a lot of NFT's to opensea, but I wanted the community to already be able to collect their part of these NFT's and therefor you can already collect them. As soon as one is minted, it is directly put on sale.

Don't miss the next NFT drops

See Also