Cribto Cards 2021

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
December 12, 2021 – December 19, 2021





The memes of crypto world as a postcard you can send IRL.

10k unique NFT postcards out of over 1 million options. The year of crypto 2021 and all it's memes we love, reinterpreted in the classical crib scene.

Minting is live on:

Each NFT can be send ONE TIME via real postal service around the world!

Be as fast as you can, like that you can be sure to send the postcard to your friends and family in time before holidays.

What about the future?

Right now all the social community action is happening on Twitter. Our goal is to create a community of crypto lovers and NFT artists who create a new Cribto Cards collection every year.

Can you help us by spreading the word? Follow us on Twitter and share your own memes with us.

If we reach 50% of sales we will launch a community website and start working on the next years 2022 edition of the Cribto Cards together. Imagine voting on memes and characters, artists, ideas you want to include in the new collection. Invite cool and creative artists in project!

So this is the first edition - we will see where it goes in the next years!

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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