Markus Magnusson, better known in professional circles as Motion Markus, is a renowned motion designer and digital artist. A creative mind who bases his work on traditional animation and vector art, Markus gained recognition for the first time for his work The Tale of Rando in 2013.
Today, everybody in the NFT ecosystem knows Motion Markus as a celebrated creator of the blue-chip motion NFT collection, dubbed Invisible Friends. Inspired by this PFP series' overwhelming success, Marcus is about to release another project dubbed Garbage Friends, which has already attracted over 146K followers on Twitter. In addition to launching huge and highly sought-after PFP NFT collections, Motion Markus never stops creating one-of-one digital artworks that boast pretty hefty price tags.
The artist keeps honing his skills and sharing his knowledge in character animation at his Motion Design School. Once you've always dreamt of learning animation from the best web3 motion designers, you have all chances to become Markus Magnusson's trainee.