Bored Apes Break All Records: Over $1.6 Million for Not a Rare One & $3.8 for a 1:1 Mega Mutant Serum NFT

Yesterday, Dec 29, the NFT community was shaken by the breaking news: a whopping 430 ETH was given for a regular Bored Ape NFT. Why so? Let's try to figure it out!

Yesterday night, the Twitter BoredApeBot claimed the purchase of the Bored Ape #3562 NFT for no less than 430 ETH, which is over 1 and a half million USD. The community was frankly puzzled as #3562 NFT has no rare traits and shouldn't be THAT expensive.

However, soon everyone got a reply from @JayBoomi22, who revealed one of the reasons for the item's unfairly expensive price. According to the Twitter user, rarity is not the only factor to increase the price. As most Bored Apes are kept unsold, the demand for them exceeds the supply. Moreover, the Ape's suit and merch are no less important for buyers.

Another BAYC’s Mega Mutant Serum NFT, sold for a shocking 999 ETH, or about $3.8 million, provoked no less excitement. The outstanding designs and just a crazy idea were met with a splash!

All these factors made the BAYC project and its derivatives the most successful of bypassing 2021! But onwards and upwards, right?