Weird Art

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
February 10, 2022 – February 17, 2022





The first weird collection of nft, the main theme will deal with different transcendental themes of life with artistic nuances. The collection will have a series of limited pieces living in Polygon. Made by a Weird ArtistNFT who comes from a family of diverse artists… The oldest my great-grandfather who was a cabinetmaker and my grandfather succeeded him, I also have several uncles who are oil and charcoal painters. My generation finally arrived and with it a new legacy brought to the network.

You can follow this and future collections on: Twitter : Webpage:
For Investors Profit Only
Each new collection will go up in price: -First collection: 0.1 each -Second collection: 0.2 each -Third collection: coming soon…
09/05/2021 -> Start creating Weird Art NFT
10/02/2021 -> Set up WP Owners Benefits
11/01/2021 -> Create user on OpenSea
01/01/2022 -> Finish to create first Weird Art Collection
01/05/2022 -> Start creating NEW Weird Art NFT
02/01/2022 -> Set up Social Media and Webpage
02/03/2022 -> Start Marketing and giveaways
02/10/2022 -> Weird Artist Transcendental life collection minted on opensea
Transcendental life collection sold [3 random holders will win 1 exclusive NFT each] Second Weird Art Collection will be promoted on the web and twitter This is not a Crypto Punk, Bored Ape, Merge, Decentraland or Elrond art but this is the new Weird Art collection will explode in ur mind.


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