uland - next mint drop

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January 10, 2022 – January 16, 2022

want to join a metaverse where you can buy nft's that earn you passive income? 

uland is the first virtual land, revenue-generating nft platform built on the real world! in uland you can buy virtual land such as usa, france, california, tasmania, london, rio de janero... every location that exists in the real world, exists in uland. 

when you become a land holder, you generate passive income through transactions of our native $uland token. everytime our token is sold or bought, you will get a percentage of that transaction! it literally pays to becoming land holder in uland. 

it's been 9 weeks since we opened to the public and all of our tier 1 (countries) land asset nfts are minted. we are at the 2nd wave of our tier 2 (states/regions/provinces) land release, with the 1st wave of tier 2's 85% minted. 

this is still early days and land holders have already made huge $$$ on their investments. so get in now while our marketcap is still low. hurry, because mints only happen once at a low price! 

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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