Taco Hell Job Applications

Drop's mint website was verified by its submitter in our Discord community
February 13, 2022 – February 20, 2022





Is eth going down? Can't afford living? Can't even get a job at mcdonald's? We got you covered! Why not try out taco hell? This is a collection of job applications to taco hell from people just like you! Taco hell job applications are a collection of 2000 unique job applications to taco hell. Each job application has been uniquely generated and is inspired by answers used on real job applications or resumes. During the early dip of 2022, people had to turn to more desperate means to pay their bills. Many turned to a job at taco hell. These are their stories… we put these together just for fun and entertainment. They should be funny and hopefully people enjoy the creative answers.

Nft mint specifics:

Mint format: public sale only (no whitelist, no pre-sale)

Mint date: sunday, feb 13th, secret surprise time

Supply available: 2000 total (1950 available for public, 50 reserve for promos)

Mint price: 0.01eth (no curve, same for all) + gas (highly optimized)

Mint max: 20 total per wallet, 10 per transaction 

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