RelatioNFT - Love is Different

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
October 26, 2021 – November 01, 2021





Hello Dear and Loving Person of planet Earth! If you stepped out of your home, read some news, or went on the internet in the last couple of years, you must know that we, as a species and as individuals are facing hundreds of problems daily: pandemic, global crisis, pollution, race and hate crimes, poverty, sexism, oppression, wars… Scary, isn’t it? We, a diverse team at RelatioNFT, strongly believe that especially at times like this, people of this planet need to break free of all labels, put judgment aside, and stop dividing societies regarding race, sex, sexual orientation, or any others. We are 100% convinced that true love does not require any explanations or boundaries and will sooner or later displace all hatred and violence. True, unhindered love will lead us into the future, where all human problems can be dealt with and where it’s not frowned upon if you are attracted to people of the same/different sex and you can identify yourself in any way you like! In short: RelatioNFT is a project about love, freedom of choice, and acceptance. 6969 unique couples created by our soft and caring hands. RNFT is uniting artists and just ordinary loving people from around the globe - join our cause!

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