Peace Army NFT

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March 10, 2022 – March 17, 2022



The sacred mission of our PeaceSoldiers comes at a troublesome time; there is no purpose in a war, no meaning for young men to shed their blood on frozen battlefields.  Now it’s the time to unite, among each other, and the rest of the world as well, and show all tyrants how their time has ended. Nobody wants the death and bloodshed, the broken dreams and tears that follow, therefore it’s here and now when miracles can happen.  Let us abandon guns for handshakes, for warm embraces and smiles meant to caress our souls; the frontline can turn into a scene of celebration to engulf the world because soldiers have hearts and dreams as well. They are not mindless robots only to follow orders and die for no reason, they are the heroes of our day, the ones who can transform the world through peace, friendship, and UNITY.

We started this project before this war and no one thought this situation could become a reality. Now the war has started and we must help the people who had no choice. We decided 50% of sales and 50% of royalties to be used to help refugees until war is over. So the owners of a PeaceSoldier will not only help when they buy, but also when they sell. Our mission is to create a strong and united community designed to support and help the victims of this tragedy. We want every PeaceSoldier owner to be directly involved in this action,they will have the right to decide what we will do to help these people. Our goals are to be able to procure transport, food, medicine, clothes and accommodation for the citizens of Ukraine who are today in a position to leave their own country.

After this war, which we hope will end as soon as possible, we will continue our initial project of creating another NFT collection of Wives for our PeaceSoldiers, and whoever owns a PeaceSoldier and a Wife will be able to give birth to a baby boy or girl, which you will be able to keep or trade. Our plan is to build a metaverse for all our NFTs.

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