No Ordinary Oldies

Drop's mint website was verified by its submitter in our Discord community
March 24, 2022 – March 31, 2022





No ordinary Oldies a unique collection of 5,000 oldies living on the blockchain. This collection was designed by the artist with over 130 unique traits. 

Each owner will have access to NFT giveaways such as 10 1 of 1 NFT's from our collection, 150 vaulted NFT's will be given out to our most loyal members, our replica merchandise clothing line so you can match your oldie, and a percentage of mint sales + secondary royalties will be put into the community wallet which will fund our blue chip NFT giveaways & more!! Join the discord for up to date information on all our giveaways and utilities that we have planned for the future!

As a team we are looking to build an inclusive community where our supporters have a say in the future and direction of our project. We look forward to meeting and working along side all of our oldies gang!

The first 150 discord members will be automatically granny listed(WL), so come join us today!

Our official roadmap and more information can be found in our discord. Official website is coming soon!

Don't miss the next NFT drops

See Also