Mooncat punks release

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
February 08, 2022 – February 13, 2022





Mooncat Punks is an exclusive collection of 6969 unique and randomly generated NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain.

Inspired by Crypto Punks from Larva Labs and Moon Cats from Ponderware – rest assured these are the most adorable punks you’ll find on the internet

We are a community of 1464 NFT enthusiasts with a whitelist capacity of 750 !

299 have been whitelisted

Whitelist Members get to mint at a cheaper price compared to public mint - More details coming soon!

We're gas optimized 

The date and time of launch will be disclosed on discord to our community members. Members above level 10 will have access to early annoucements and will be given a heads up an hour prior minting goes live.

Mooncat Punks should be available to purchase on the secondary market such as OpenSea. 

Come join our discord community of our proud Mooncat Punk HODLers !

The community aims  to help stray / foster home animals (with the available power and resources) through this project. 

Looking forward to do our bit for our furry friends


Mooncat Giveaways to Mooncat Punk Holders!

Web3 Integration for MoonCat Punks, Interact with MoonCat Punk HODLers worldwide in the Pixel Art Metaverse!

Resin Print NFTs - HODL your Mooncat Punks in real life.

Something for you and your kitties - Merch & Giveaways (=^.^=)

YouTube Channel with a 24/7 Radio. Meow!

Significant donations to community picked Animal Foster Homes around the globe.

Don't miss the next NFT drops

See Also