Metaverse Monkeys

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
November 17, 2022 – November 24, 2022





"NFTS like this only come around once ever few years"

Metaverse monkeys have been described as some of the best NFTS to hit the market to date. 

They are a collection of 999 uniquely generated art pieces, that each act as a pass into an exclusive community full of six, seven & eight figure traders. A community that has helped its members make millions to date.

Inside you get acess to 30 lessons of world class education, exclusive investments, leverage power from the network and the ability to collaborate in a server of individuals all trained to a specific standard. 

If that is not all

- Risk is removed from the mint 

- Because each pass is attached to value

By holding the pass you retain acess to the wealthy Tier 7 network. By selling it you transfer access.

Bon Apetit'

Don't miss the next NFT drops

See Also