MetaSakura Genesis Bundle Mint

Drop's mint website was verified by its submitter in our Discord community
March 10, 2022 – March 17, 2022





Sakura NFT is a 7777 piece collection powered by Ethereum Blockchain. 

The main goal of this project is an upcoming  Web3 For-profit fundraising platform Partnered with various charities, we will be launching sweepstakes on the platform, offering physical/monetary prices or experiences for the winners. Every person entering a sweepstake is encouraged to contribute financially to the charity or a cause, where the amount given proportionally determines the number of entries that person gets.

Holders of the main collection will receive royalties from our sweepstakes based on the amount of Sakuras at hand.

Our Genesis bundle, consists of 100-400 pieces of identical Sakuras, with the main utility of having 10% of proceeds from the main collection being distributed to the holders of the bundle. 

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