LuckyBuddha nft

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January 31, 2022 – February 07, 2022





Lucky Buddha is a unique project, and the first of its kind. Why? Because the Lucky Buddhas will give back 50% of their daily earnings to their holders in daily raffles !

20 Lucky Buddhas will be dropped each day on Open Sea, at a specific time.

Holders of these 20 Buddhas will automatically enter our daily raffle.

We’ll offer 2 prizes daily, each prize representing 25% of the daily earnings (for a total of 50%).

You may hold as many Lucky Buddhas as you want. Drop time will change daily and will be announced in our discord, so that everyone - wherever you are in the world - gets a fair chance to get their hand on a Lucky Buddha.

The price for each Lucky Buddha is 0.08 eth

Why holding then, you ask? Because a weekly raffle will take place every Sunday amongst all Lucky Buddhas. The prize of the weekly raffle will vary as we go, but it will start at 0.75 eth, which will be given to 1 Lucky Buddha holder each week.

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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