Grand Ape Legacy public sale

Drop's mint website was verified by its submitter in our Discord community
February 06, 2022 – February 13, 2022





Grand Ape Legacy is an exclusive collection of 10,000 derivative ape NFTs. These older apes are generated from more than 140 traits all drawn by hand. They live on the Ethereum blockchain.

After a long and successful existence, the GentleApes are finally able to enjoy the finest things. To do so, our holders are members of the Legacy Private Club. Membership grants access to passive income through staking, a virtual art gallery, irl perks such as merch and exclusive events and much more.

Grand Ape Legacy also aims to bridge the gap between metaverse and the real world. We'll start by a generous donation to a cause that helps our older loved ones : Alzheimer. We'll continue by developping a wide array of partnerships with art galleries and other companies.

If you missed the OG private sale and the WL pre-sale, now is your chance to enter the Club!

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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