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April 24, 2024 – May 01, 2024





Gangstasharks are coming get ready to ride the wave!

Dive into the digital deep with the gangstasharks, this exclusive event unveils a unique collection of 7,500 meticulously designed gangstasharks, each boasting distinct traits and gangsta styles!

Date: april 24, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm utc
Allowlist: registration

Secure your spot collect, trade, and be part of our vibrant community. 

Let the feeding frenzy begin!

Benefits of becoming part of ‘la famiglia’ !
As an nft owner and a ‘made member’ of the family you will enjoy:

Associates – (unlimited) 
Level 1 – associates: non nft holders
(discord, twitter, social media followers) do not hold gangstashark nft
Access to content: through social media platforms
Limited edition perks: associates may receive limited edition perks such as digital badges or early access to future drops within the gangstasharks ecosystem.
Made members -application
Associates have the chance to become made members of ‘la famiglia’ by working hard and supporting the community.

Once progressing to nft ownership they will be granted access to exclusive content such as behind-the-scenes footage, special events, or private communities related to the nft project.

Soldiers – (7,500 made members)
Level 2 – soldiers: made members who own a gangstashark nft

Access to exclusive content: gangstashark nfts grant holders access to exclusive digital content, such as artwork, music, or virtual experiences, which will not be available to the general public.
Secondary market opportunities: soldiers have the opportunity to trade nfts in the secondary market, potentially earning profits from buying, selling, or trading rare and valuable digital family assets.
Community recognition: soldiers may gain recognition within the gangstasharks nft community, potentially leading to promotions to capo status with increased networking opportunities and collaborations with other web3 and web2 projects. 
Community membership: holding certain nfts can grant access to exclusive communities or events, where holders can interact with creators and fellow enthusiasts.
Early access and special benefits: nft holders may receive early access to new releases, special discounts, or other perks from the gangstasharks ecosystem or affiliated partners.

Capos – (500 only, these positions are rare) 
Level 3 – captains: (og’s), within the gangstasharks family ecosystem (founder pass holders) 

Future governance rights: capos may gain certain governance rights within the gangstasharks ecosystem and projects, allowing them to participate in decision-making processes such as voting on proposals or influencing the direction of certain projects.
Enhanced access: capos may receive enhanced access to exclusive events both digital and irl, previews of upcoming releases, or priority status for acquiring highly sought-after nfts, future auctions and possible high-level alpha.

Underboss – (these positions are very rare) 
Level 4 - underboss: 2nd in command to the don

Revenue sharing: underbosses may be entitled to a share of the revenue generated by the nft project, such as tributes (royalties from secondary market), transactions or profits from affiliated partnerships and collaborations.
Vip privileges: underbosses may enjoy vip privileges such as personalized experiences, direct communication with project creators, and invitations to exclusive gatherings or parties.

Consigliere: (these positions are very rare)
Level 5 - trusted advisor to the don 

Strategic consultation: consiglieres may provide strategic advice and consultation to the creators or managers of the nft project, leveraging their expertise and insights to optimize project performance and maximize value for stakeholders.
Privileged access: consiglieres may have access to privileged information and early opportunities within the gs nft ecosystem, allowing them to capitalize on trends and developments before they become widely known.
Revenue sharing: underbosses may be entitled to a share of the revenue generated by the nft project, such as tributes (royalties from secondary market), transactions or profits from affiliated partnerships and collaborations.

The dons: (these are legendary)
Level 6 - heads of the individual gs families representing all their members. 

Ultimate authority: dons wield ultimate authority within their family, with the power to make critical decisions that shape the future of the family within the project and its community.
Prestige and influence: dons command respect and influence within the nft community and beyond, with their endorsements and actions carrying significant weight in the market.
Custom privileges: dons may enjoy custom privileges tailored to their preferences and desires, ranging from personalized digital assets to exclusive partnerships and collaborations.
Revenue sharing: dons may be entitled to a share of the revenue generated by the nft project, such as tributes (royalties from secondary market), transactions or benefits from affiliated partnerships and collaborations.

The commission: 
Level 7 - the heads of all the families form a group of decision makers.
Led by the capo dei capi aka megalodon the head of the great white shark family. 

Warning: these benefits vary depending on the specific nft which is held and for how long and the associated ecosystem, but collectively they demonstrate the multifaceted value that nft ownership can offer to individuals and the specific families within the community.

Warning these positions are not guaranteed to be lifetime positions and challenges can be made! As with any family things don’t go always as planned and members can and will be held accountable for not abiding by the family rules or even in the worst-case scenario whacked!!!! 

Don't miss the next NFT drops

See Also