FuglyHouse Flippers Free Stickers

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
July 23, 2022 – July 30, 2022





The Free Stickers collection is the entryway to the FuglyHouse Flippers community.

FuglyHouse Flippers allowlist passes will be picked exclusively among sticker holders.

Sticker holders also get 9 Tools for free at the public launch.

Follow us on Twitter to qualify for free Tools and receive updates on the allowlist.


Fugly House Flippers is a unique, self-sustainable, utility-based NFT project that bounces between IRL and Web3, leveraging blockchain technology and Fintech to create real value for our holders.

How do we create value?

We invest in a booming industry, with a solid business model, and then use profits to buy back Tools.

We design a deflationary economy.

We increase equity floor price for holders by creating forced demand for our NFTs.


Closed deflationary economy, Tools token is minted with a 32'578,969 total supply.

90% of mint proceeds go towards the FuglyHouse Flippers Fund (FYHFF).

The FuglyHouse Flippers fund will lend IRL House Flippers Tools to rehab their houses. Applicants must hold a FYHF NFT creating forced demand, rarity score affects the loan interest rate.

90% of profits from the FYHFF will go back to the Tools liquidity pool.

90% of secondary sales royalties go back to the Tools liquidity pool.


FuglyHouse Flippers can stake their houses and claim 9 Tools every 24h for 9 years.

When claiming there’s a 9% chance of loss of Tools.

Unclaimed Tools will be burned periodically.

So what do you say? grab your Tools and help us fix'em.

Tags: #defi

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