Eye of Unity

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April 07, 2023 – April 14, 2023





Eye of Unity Games is saving all of their gaming assets securely on the SOL Blockchain to remain immutable for the rest of all time. This technology allows users to track ownership rights for each asset from its creation through its purchase and trading history. The collection also leverages Filecoin’s distributed storage network technology in order to host games directly from IPFS as NFTs and enable them to be quickly accessed by any user around the world.

Show your support for Eye of Unity Games with the 3D SOL Collection! This one-of-a-kind collection is perfect for any NFT gaming enthusiast, featuring a range of 3D assets minted with an external link to a game saved to IPFS as a Filecoin NFT. Each token is securely stored on the SOL Blockchain, ensuring it will last forever. Be part of the future of gaming with Eye of Unity Games' 3D SOL Collection!

This 3D SOL Collection introduces enhanced security and long-term storage capabilities that make it the perfect choice for avid gamers who want to ensure their digital assets are securely stored. Every token in the collection is secured on the SOL blockchain and will stay there forever. Through Eye of Unity Games’ innovative use of blockchain technology, gamers can experience the future of low-impact gaming right now!

The 3D SOL Collection is just part of Eye of Unity Games’ larger mission: to enable improved access and autonomy for gamers everywhere. Through blockchain technology, Eye of Unity Games seeks to restore true ownership and fair monetization rights to players through its innovative projects. This includes allowing owners full control over their assets; they can exchange them with anyone else at any time if they choose. In addition, players will be able to earn rewards from playing and trading rare assets, something that has not yet been possible until now.

Experience gaming like never before with Eye of Unity Games' 3D SOL Collection. With its cutting edge technologies, gamers can be sure that their assets will remain safe forever even if they choose to trade them later down the line. Plus, with its easy access via mobile devices or personal computers, anyone can join in on this revolutionary new way of playing games online!

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