Eruchef NFT

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
June 23, 2023 – June 30, 2023



Our Master Chefs are looking for talented, committed and engaged Chefs for an amazing collaboration to cook the next-gen cross-chain DEX for self-made retail crypto traders. They have chosen 3,000 to be the founders of EruSwap.

Eruchef NFT with Revenue Streams and Decision-making

  • You will enjoy 10% dividends of the trading fees generated by eruSwap, claimable on a weekly basis.
  • The original minters of the 3000  Eruchefs NFTs earn 2% from the secondary sales of  Eruchefs NFTs, seeded to the Eruchefs Minter Royalties pool weekly.
  • Earn Royalties: Eruchefs stakers share the 1% royalty from secondary sales OpenSea and other marketplaces.
  • Governance token airdrop: As an Eruchef holder, you’ll receive a free airdrop of our governance token after the TGE.
  • DAO governance qualification: As an Eruchef holder you’ll be able to participate in the DAO governance of the entire eruSwap ecology with voting and proposal rights.

Eruchef — Starting the EruSwap Flounce

Eruchefs are a limited collection of only 3,000. Each one grants you access to multiple revenue streams, exclusive delta-neutral strategies, and a dedicated role within the community.

There are a total of 3000 unique pieces. The design or attributes do not affect the revenue earned by each Eruchef.

Proceeds from the sale are used to incentivize bribing and locking, creating a flounce that increases revenue for Eruchef minters and stakers. 100% of the funds go back to EruSwap with 60% for the flounce and 40% for runway, to help make it a sustained success, and a public good that supports cross-chain value exchange. This novel fundraising approach via NFT allows us to accelerate the growth of EruSwap by raising capital without impacting the $ERU market.

As the crypto space is going through rapid evolution, It is increasingly evident that the value proposition for cross-chain activity is becoming more prominent. We at eruSwap have a vision of becoming one of the key solutions to the complexity & non-triviality of swapping between L1 and L2 crypto assets. As the crypto space is going through rapid evolution, It is increasingly evident that the value proposition for cross-chain activity is becoming more prominent. We at eruSwap have a vision of becoming one of the key solutions to the complexity & non-triviality of swapping between L1 crypto assets.

Earn trading fees and royalties, gain access to exclusive features, and guarantee your share of the $ERU fair launch airdrop

Get whitelisted now for the private sale of Eruchef the NFT with revenue streams to increase your chances of becoming one of the 3,000 founders of EruSwap.

Fill now the following form to get whitelisted:

Important Information

  • The whitelisted sale begins on June 23, 2023 at 15:00 UTC.
  • During the first 24 hours, each wallet can mint only 1 per whitelisted address.
  • For the second phase starting June 24 at 15:00 UTC and lasting 24 hours, the cap will be raised to 10 per wallet.
  • Public sale, if all 3,000 aren’t minted out during the whitelisted sale, will last for 72 hours, starting June 25 at 15:00 UTC. The limit per wallet is 15 mints.
  • Whitelisted price is 2 BNB. Public sale price is 2.5 BNB. Total supply is 3,000.

The mint will take place on our website. You will need a DeFi wallet, like Metamask (Getting started with Metamask guide).

How to Mint?

  1. Connect your Metamask or other compatible wallets by clicking the top right corner where it says “Connect”. You will be prompted to connect to “Binance Smart Chain Mainnet”.
  2. If your wallet is whitelisted, you should see a “Mint” button. 
  3. Make sure you have enough BNB for the mint and gas fees. Click “Mint” and approve the transaction.
  4. You can view your Eruchef on OpenSea.

As a Chef you enjoy many other privileges. Make sure to join our Check us out at eruSwap, join our Discord, or follow us on Twitter to stay tuned.

Exciting news - !Giveaway and exclusive NFT airdrop!

We're celebrating the next launch of EruSwap's testnet and Eruchef NFT collection on June 23rd with a 100$USDT Giveaway and exclusive NFT airdrop with revenue streams and decision-making!

Got what it takes to complete our quest on QuestN for a chance to win the prizes below?

100 $USDT will be shared by 20 lucky winners, each one will get 5 $USDT
10 ERUCHEF pieces will be shared by 10 lucky winners, each one will get 1 piece

Start your quests & refer your friends now

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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