Entito Sidai NFTs

Drop's mint website was verified by its submitter in our Discord community
August 26, 2023 – August 26, 2023







"Entito Sidai" is a collection of 2000 NFTs that holds a rich history. In the Maa language, "Entito” translates to a girl, and "Sidai" means beautiful - and that's precisely what this collection represents: the beauty of a Maasai girl adorned in traditional beaded ornaments. Each NFT features a unique pattern inspired by the intricate details of the ornaments.

Initial buyers of this NFT will become part of Sidai Club, an exclusive membership that will be offering airdrops in each feature collection The number of airdropped NFT will be equal to number of Entito Sidai Purchased. Our collections will be in the niche of culture and wildlife but we may accept new ideas from our community. We have amazing collection ideas that will share with you in our exclusive discord channel. Moreover, we are also passionate about blockchain technology in general and we have plans to venture in other areas of blockchain such as utilizing blockchain for product authentication.

The most heartwarming part of the Entito Sidai Collection is that 10% of the amount collected from this sale will be used to sponsor the education of a Maasai girl. This marginalized group struggles to get an education, and your purchase can contribute to changing someone's life. By owning a unique piece of art that celebrates diversity, culture, and beauty, you'll be empowering the girls of Maa with education and helping them achieve their dreams.

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