Botanical Playground

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
January 13, 2022 – January 20, 2022





My work is often a mix of surreal and abstract pieces and this is my effort to shine light on the world of Botany through my lens. 

This collection is an inspired study of the otherworldly silhouettes, shapes and details from the world of Botany. 

These NFTs are unique because they have a surreal twist and are reflecting the "otherwordly" and deconstructed silhouette features, that we often ignore. 

My work is detailed, surreal, minimal and complex all at the same time and this collection is a direct representation of this!

In addition, my NFTs depict a certain sense of motion that certainly adds to their charm. 

All of my NFTs are unique and have been minted on the Polygon Blockchain and showcased on OpenSea.

Tags: #art

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