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November 30, 2021 – December 01, 2021



Jimmy Boomer Here

The 30th anniversary of Boomeritaville is fast approaching.  It's a party that never ends, Literally. Each boomer is provided with 12 MARG$ a day and as we all know, there is no price tag that can accurately value the feeling of 12 fresh MARG($) so we won't put one here. Just know that 1 MARG$ = 1 MARG$. The more MARG$ a boomer holds the more leverage they have and I know all of you would like some leverage.. especially for those knees! mine are shot.

Since most of us Boomers are retired and financially independent, there's no reason for any of us to leave Boomeritaville, which is perfect because we can't leave even if we tried. Admission is a one-way ticket to a party (and MARG$). Please note that some of the more feeble Boomers may die from exposure or alcohol poisoning

Don't miss the next NFT drops

See Also