AI Angels

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
December 17, 2021 – December 24, 2021





AI angels is a collection of 200 works of art generated by an artificial intelligence.

We used an advance Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to generate the angels.  The GAN accepted a text prompt as input and then it dreamt up an image representation of the text.   We got really creative with the text input and generated some really wonderful results!   

There are 4 tiers of angels in the collection:

Common - 100
Rare - 60
Epic - 30
Legendary - 10

100% of the funds raised will be given to our friend who is battling cancer and is struggling financially because of it.

Check out for more info.   The art is amazing and it's for a great cause!  Please consider supporting!

Minting will begin on December 15th at 9:15pm EST. 

The art will be revealed when the collection sells out or when 7 days have passed. 

Tags: #art

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