1,000 Puffy Pilots NFT

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
September 12, 2022 – September 17, 2022





Only 1,000 nfts will be the basis of tinker's caravan llc in web3! You can only gain the benefits for as long as we exist in web3 by holding onto one. This will grant you all our digital & physical drops throughout the longevity of the product.

Where: https://www.Tink3rtots.Com
Livestream: https://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=ko2n5c_mbco
Cost: 0.03 eth
Limit: 1,000 nfts

At long last, we're starting to mint our flagship project! Tink3r tots will be the overarching project that fuels tinker's caravan to new heights and rewards all users in both random and various ways whether it be physical drops or virtual drops. Starting off, each and every puffy pilot holder will receive a free copy of our nft party card game (production starts upon all 1,000 nfts being minted & collected) as well as exclusive digital files & 3d print farm for holders. This is series 01 and if you have any faith in me, nftink3r, then you should undoubtedly mint as the larger my overarching brand grows, the more rewards I'll bequeath to the community (as I have already been doing so on youtube and twitter). Each nft will cost approx $40 usd (currently 0.025 eth) on opensea. There will be no reveal so be sure to get a good one! I will also have a rarity calculator available to calculate the rarity for all nfts. Hope to see you there! --- nftink3

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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