How's everybody doing? This time around we are talking to Roinevirta — Founder of World of Ai. He's been in crypto professionally since 2017 and have had experience in alt-coin mining, institutional credit, and building DeFi derivatives
Chris: Let me start off by asking you why you consider World of AI's Zero collection to be so unique?
Roinevirta: World of AI is the first blockchain art project that lets NFT owners interact with an image-to-text AI system. Instead of purchasing an existing art piece, it is actually the owner that becomes the artist. I believe this will make Zeros extremely unique - there will be as many interpretations of what interesting or good art looks like as there are owners.
With this approach, Zeros also let their creators make a name for themselves. If people like what someone is doing, creators can leverage that to, for example, launch their own collections. Zeros are an easy and low-barrier entry point to trying out your ideas artistically. We'll make sure to add the creators' addresses to the metadata of Zeros so that people can later filter by creator as well.
Chris: What benefits are there to holding a Zero?
Roinevirta: Firstly, if the Zero has not been generated yet, the owner has the chance to interact with OpenAI's DALL-E 2 and experiment with AI for themselves. After generation, the owners get full rights to the artwork of their NFT, including commercial use. Hence, use cases for Zeros could extend beyond expressing artistic tastes. If you wanted to, for example, create imagery for a marketing piece using a Zero and auction it off later, you'd be free to do so.
Chris: What will be the cost of one WOAI/Zero?
Roinevirta: Zeros can be minted for 0.05 ETH starting Sep 6, 12 pm UTC. Users will also need to pay for gas to set the generator message, that is the text used to generate the image. The generator message will be stored on the Ethereum blockchain and you don't need to set it immediately. In fact, you can set it later or, if you don't get a good idea for the image, you can sell the non-generated Zero on a secondary market.
Chris: How many tokens will be released for public sale? Do you plan to have a presale?
Roinevirta: The maximum supply is 2500. There is no presale. However, we have reserved 125 tokens for our treasury to help with bounties and to reward the best creations.
Chris: What are the reserved tokens for?
Roinevirta: WOAI will be distributing 5 free Zeros to the best creators. Additionally, the top referrer will get 10 Zeros. 50 Zeros will be given to those who helped us prior to launch and another 50 for bounties post-launch. The founder gets 10 Zeros.
Chris: You said the top referrer gets 10 Zeros. Can you expand on that?
Sure! When you mint a Zero, you can choose to add a "referrer". This is the address of the person who referred you to mint a Zero. The person with the most referred mints will get 10 free Zeros once the collection has sold out. Anyone can become a referrer; all they have to do is ensure the one minting enters their address to the "referrer address" field when minting. You can see the exact instructions in our docs.
Chris: What's on your roadmap after Zeros?
Roinevirta: Being a hobby project I won't promise too much. However, I'm really interested in running Stable Diffusion on my own instance to enable automatic and instant NFT creation from a text value. This project might launch on Abitrum or some other lower-cost blockchain to make it more accessible for everyone.
Additionally, I'm quite interested in modifying existing images using, training an AI system with popular PFPs, audio applications of AI, and GPT-3.
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