Chris Chris 04.03.2022

The royalty Reward wallet will be Shared between all Holders on the Last day of Every month β€” Creator's Interview

We are joined by The Ape Father, project founder and artist.
A UK based illustrator and designer exploring the blockchain.

Chris: Greedy Ape Heist NFT hits the Solana blockchain in March. What drew you and your team to develop this very NFT?

Ape Father: I’ve been exploring NFTs for just over a year now and looking at what makes a project successful, what styles people like to mint and what trends continue to exist. Apes, are definitely at the forefront of the NFT space and have been for some time so I settled on that character choice so that the collection has some familiarity with collectors. However, I didn’t want to create a derivative of Bored Apes or any other project, I wanted to create something with a slightly different theme.

I set about trying to bounce a few ideas around but none stuck. I then sat down one evening and turned the tv on and there was a series on based on the Hatton Garden heist that took place in London a few years ago. This got me thinking, a heist theme could potentially work. So, I decided to map out a few ideas around this concept and the Greedy Ape Heist was born!

Chris: Greedy Ape Heist NFTs are deflationary in nature. What will be your criteria to burn the NFTs. What would be the intervals at which you plan to reduce your NFT size?

Ape Father: We’ll be looking to do this on a monthly basis for the first couple of months before making it more spontaneous. We hope to see an active secondary market, build a really great community and watch as the floor price rises over time.

Chris: The Solana blockchain is the place to be for developing P2E gaming NFTs. Do you have any such plans for the Greedy Ape Heists?

Ape Father: We do indeed! We’ve just launched an endless arcade runner style game that will hopefully give people a flavour of what’s to come. I love addictive / frustrating games like flappy bird and crossy road and was really keen to create something similar as a way to engage the community and have a bit of fun with rewards for high scores etc. We are also working on a bigger game as part of the roadmap and will be revealing more info on that once the other roadmap milestones have been ticked off.

Chris: In similar lines, what is the motive of these NFTs? What else can the investor do with their Greedy Ape artworks?

Ape Father: Beyond the art looking pretty sweet, Greedy Ape NFTs will serve as a membership card to allow entry into our exclusive members area: The Inner Circle where there will be opportunities to earn exclusive rewards, giveaways and help shape the future of the project.

We plan to always monitor exciting upcoming NFT launches, along with feedback from our holders to find projects that may have exclusive whitelists. We plan to make our best effort in providing these whitelist spots to our holders.

Chris: The team also plans to share royalties with its investors. What percentage of secondary market sales would be shared as royalties between owners of Greedy Ape Heist NFTs?

Ape Father: We have set a 10% royalty with 2% going to the team to cover the costs of future development. 3% will fund the Slammer. The Slammer is where Apes end up when they get caught and removes them from circulation. When there is a large enough amount, law enforcers roll through Solana marketplaces and lock up the cheapest Greedy Apes — “sweeping the floor.”

These Apes are taken out of circulation (“burned”), and the overall supply of Greedy Apes is reduced.

The idea behind this is to reward diamond hand Ape hodlers by raising the floor price and reducing the supply, putting upward price pressure on all Greedy Ape NFTs. Resulting in Greedy Apes rocketing to the moon!

And then there is 5% being added to the Community Reward Wallet.
When you join the gang you will earn a share of secondary market royalties. Every greedy ape holder will received one share, so the more you a person owns the bigger their reward!

The royalty reward wallet will be shared between all holders on the last day of every month.

Chris: What would be the floor price of Greedy Ape Heist NFT at release? How much will be the gas?

Ape Father: We are minting on Solana so gas won’t be an issue. That was part of the appeal! Each Greedy Ape will cost 1 Sol to mint, however we also have our own take on a Whitelist where a token is granted to everyone who gets a spot and this reduces the mint price to 0.6 Sol.

We’d love to see a sell out and 10x as that would be really rewarding for our community but it’s impossible to tell how things will go. We are quietly confident though!

Chris: Before concluding, would you like to share some of your future plans for the Greedy Ape Heist NFT?

Ape Father: We’re excited to be approaching launch day! We’ve put a lot of love and effort into the project and are really excited to build a community that everyone will want to be a part of! We’ve got the lot, utility, community, opportunity and great art! And a very addictive game too! Plus a Rolex giveaway when we sell out! And the fun won’t stop there. The P2E game will further reward holders and we are working hard to realise this goal! Our Website, Twitter & Discord is the best way to stay informed on news and announcements.