Chris Chris 26.01.2022

Bored Puzzles is a Platform That will Teach You How to Navigate the World of Blockchain — Founder's Interview

Chris from NFT Calendar: Bored Puzzles has an interesting concept. Please share the backstory of this project – what inspired you guys?

Bored Puzzles team: Imagine a character who is just entering the cryptocurrency/NFT landscape. There are multiple learning curves, and mistakes that can be made. Learning how exchanges work, getting real world money into digital money, which blockchain to work with, which metaverse to play with, NFTs, and why to work/play with those in particular. These are all hurdles that this character does not know. I was that character. 

Now, after a few years of navigating through the lands of blockchains and metaverses, I realized that many others would benefit from a learning platform that would help them navigate through this world. So Bored Puzzles was created. The Jigsaw Puzzle Series on Ethereum is just the first on our radar of many, in the grand scheme of what we want to accomplish. Offering puzzles just happens to be the mode of delivery that we landed on.

Chris from NFT Calendar: You have a serious team behind this project with experience in many areas. Can you tell us a bit more about your key members and their role at Bored Puzzles?

Bored Puzzles team: Truth be told, this first project wouldn’t be able to exist without every single one of our team members. They are all key members in my opinion, with very different roles that help the LLC to function as a well-oiled company. From the artists creating our website design to the final artwork for our first puzzle; to the developers implementing the designs for functionality, mint page, and online multiplayer puzzle game itself; and finally getting the word out there via several modes of methods and platforms. Simply put, you cannot get Bored Puzzles without our team members.

Chris from NFT Calendar: So there will be a series of play-to-win games and you are starting with a jigsaw puzzle. Correct? From what I understand, each puzzle piece is an NFT – how many pieces will be launched on the 30th of January? Will there be a whitelist?

Bored Puzzles team: This is correct. Each puzzle piece is an NFT that will act as an entry ticket to play the online multiplayer jigsaw puzzle game with your fellow holders. Your NFTs are only a small part of the bigger picture, a bigger community.

There will be 5,632 NFTs available for mint on January 30th. There is no whitelist, we are keeping it plain and simple at 0.08 Eth for anyone and all to participate.

Chris from NFT Calendar: Great! Tell us a bit more about the game... It sounds like it was made to create a strong community since the players must interact to solve the puzzle. How does this work exactly?

Bored Puzzles team: You will need to head over to our web application by clicking “Play” at after purchasing a piece. Shortly after mint (time to be specified), we will release the online multiplayer game for all in the community to join and begin playing. The reason you need a community to solve the puzzle is because of the following custom rule we have implemented: “All Non Purchased Pieces will be dropped to the board for immediate play, while all purchased pieces will be hidden until said Owner opens up the web application.” As you can see, you must make an attendance for your piece to show up, and then others will be able to try to connect your piece.

As a fail-safe measure though, we have predicted the possibility that traders will purchase and never open the web app, which is why we will introduce a Drop-all-Pieces vote on Day 3. If over half of the “logged-in” players vote “Yes”, all pieces will be dropped to the board indefinitely for solving. On Day 5, no matter the vote, all pieces will be dropped to the board.

Chris from NFT Calendar: What are the different traits or levels that a puzzle piece can possess?

Bored Puzzles team: We kept it very simple with Piece Type (Corner, Edge, Inner), # of Innies on the piece, # of Outties on the piece, and something called “BP Doubloon”. This BP Doubloon is basically a Gold Doubloon with the initials BP on it, standing for Bored Puzzles. Please review the next question for the incentives of a BP Doubloon.

Chris from NFT Calendar: We know that players have the opportunity to win some of the proceeds from the mint... That's a nice incentive! What do I need to do to win?

Bored Puzzles team: There are various ways a player can win. Let’s assume that we sell-out. From minting alone, a player can win if they mint a corner piece (1400% ROI), a non-BP Doubloon top 200 rare piece (range from 500% ROI), or a BP Doubloon Inner piece (1100% ROI).

From the puzzle game alone, a player can win by being in the top 3 of connecting the most puzzle pieces in the game, connecting a multiple of 500th puzzle pieces in the whole game such as connecting the 500th, or 1000th, or 1500th pieces, etc., and there will also be 10 players who will luckily connect 2 jigsaw puzzle pieces and automatically win 1% of the community pool (1100% ROI).

Finally, outside of the minting and the jigsaw puzzle game itself, there will be 3 random lucky people who click the “Claim Rewards” button at the end of the game (1100% ROI), and automatically win. There is something else we have called “Affiliate Aficionados” where all those who are able to successfully refer others to actually mint on our page (must fill out a form) will split 5% of the Community Pool amongst themselves (diminishing returns on 5500% the more people do it)

Overall, there will be an approximation of 250 winners across the board from the game alone.

Chris from NFT Calendar: Nowadays many NFT buyers are in it for the long haul. What are the long term goals for Bored Puzzles? Where do you see the project in the next few years?

Bored Puzzles team: Medium-Term, we have formed a partnership with Vulcan Forged, and have already lined them up for our Second Jigsaw Puzzle picture/game/collection to run on the Elysium Blockchain. Not only that, this second puzzle will actually be the world’s first-ever Online Multiple Animated NFT Jigsaw Puzzle. We will also begin our second puzzle series in their Metaverse (A completely different game that our Questmaster will design).

Long-Term, we are looking to rebrand ourselves so that we can be seen as a Crypto/NFT educational gaming company, with a Portal of Knowledge & Games that operate on on different blockchains and metaverses, allowing all newcomers and experienced users to enjoy the Crypto/NFT environment as a whole.

Chris from NFT Calendar: Awesome. One last thing, where is the best place to remain updated with the latest Bored Puzzles news and upcoming drops?

Bored Puzzles team: Our Discord and Twitter!