The Thousands Band

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
March 15, 2022 – March 22, 2022


Magic Eden



We are a group of digital artist passionate about music The end of this project is to be able to reward the possessors of these unique NFTs with great benefits:

Welcome to the Band of the Thousands, we are a group of artists passionate about music, we present you the opportunity to acquire one of the members of this great band.

To participate in the white list, you must share the links of our social networks and invite people to our discord, we will be holding prizes of 10k usd among the winners of the white list. The more people you invite, the more chances you have to win.

Phase 1 - presentation of the nft collection

 -website launch

 -announcement of whitelist winners

 -marketing work

Phase 2 - nft collection release date

 - whitelist award winners announcement

 - nft collection sale

 - to encourage holders, we will distribute 40k dollars in prizes where the community can decide how they will be distributed

 - creation of a music school where we can educate people with few resources but who want to learn to make music for free

 - donations of musical instruments

 - The development team waives royalties. 100% of the copyright will be distributed, 50% to the community of owners and the other 50% will be distributed to musical educational centers in order to bring a collaboration to musical youth.

Phase 3- announcement of new thousands gang members as we are working to develop a game where all our members can get great rewards for participating in the thousands gang metaverse

 - presentation to the community of what the meta verse we are creating will be like

 - benefits for thousand band holders on future projects

 - presentation on the launch of our governance token where holders will be able to bet on our website and generate passive income until subsequent updates.

Join us on this path for the creation of a metaverse where all owners can generate income through this beautiful nft collection, we are waiting for you.

Don't miss the next NFT drops

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