Inside to the Pinata, Again.

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May 25, 2024 – June 01, 2024





Pinatas. Ain't they just the pinnacle of festive violence? Folks think it's the height of fun to whack a paper-mache thing to pieces. A flimsy shell stuffed with trinkets, as if the mess it makes is some kinda grand spectacle.

Picture this: a bunch of people, blindfolded, swinging at something that could break with a soft touch. Meanwhile, the rest stand around, eagerly waiting for a spill of cheap candy and plastic junk. It's a scene that screams desperation for a fleeting moment of joy.

I remember the fairs where they sold these contraptions. In the middle of all the noise and shovin', folks would scramble for the same lousy rewards. All that fuss over a handful of sweets that'd lose their charm in seconds.

So here we are, with another pinata ready to be smashed. Don't expect any wonders or unforgettable moments. In the end, it's just an empty shell that'll spill a bunch of nothin'. Good luck, I hope you find somethin' worth a damn in all that triviality.

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