Haro buru premint

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
July 08, 2022 – July 15, 2022



HARO BURU! Let's focus on celebrating community, collectibles, and fun.Our team of ARTISTS and DESIGNERS is looking to deliver our brand across the METAVERSE through a series of collectible NFTS and premium indie art toys. Now, we're inviting you into our community to build that with us!Founded by Team CHROME Inc. from Seoul, Tokyo, and Taipei presents 6666 Haro Burus that will be minted on the Ethereum Blockchain. Using ERC-721. Generated into different series of Haro Buru Set, comprised of multiple layers to differentiate its unique and rarity. BURUs offer owners a head start into our METAVERSE as well as our collection of premium indie collectables. The BURU collectibles feature iconic brand partnerships and are designed by renowned artists. This is just the beginning as more will be revealed in the near future and our community will be a major part of it. By closing the gap between the virtual and the physical, we can build the most recognizable brand of collectibles across both verses. HARO HARO!

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