Dealer's Choice - 10,000 5-card combinations

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
November 27, 2021 – December 04, 2021





An NFT collection of 10,000 5-card combinations sorted programmatically using Python relative to their frequency in poker.


How will minting work? A Dealer's Choice NFT will be dealt with your wallet which will contain a random poker hand combination, there will be a very small percentage chance your 5-card hand is a Royal Flush!


How is rarity assigned? Rarity will be assigned loosely based on the frequency that the 5-card hand is dealt in poker. E.g. ~50% chance of receiving No pair / High card Our project will try as accurately as possible to reflect the real-world probabilities that these hands occur, making some adjustments for the total combinations available. There will also be a small percentage chance that a special card will replace one card at random in your hand, creating the possibility of some unique combinations!

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