csepunks Nft Drop

Drop's mint website was not verified by its submitter in our Discord community
January 11, 2022 – January 16, 2022



csepunks is the first nft project of coinex smartchain. and the first punks of the coinex smart chain. minters can mint csepunks here, and csepunks can be buy and sell on the marketplace . a fee of 5% of the proceeds from the sale in the marketplace, which will go to the staking pool.
again, this is the first punks nft that has real world value. because csepunks holders will be able to earn cet by stake their punks.
there are plans to add several projects to our marketplace in the future. and we also dream of making a game with this csepunks character.
note: csepunks is inspired by cryptopunks, but not affiliated with larva labs

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